Roscoe- male
These playful puppies were born on 11/30 and will be ready to go on 1/25. Their mom is a poodle who weighs 20 lbs and their dad is a cavapoo who weighs 16 lbs. The puppies have been vet checked and come with a health guarantee. They have also been given their first puppy shots and deworming. Please call or text Julie at 717-917-0409 for more information or to set up a time to meet these precious puppies.
* the puppies come with a leash and collar and a small bag of food.
Nala- female
These tiny cavapoos are super cute and would make a wonderful addition to any home. Their mom is an F1 cavapoo who weighs 11 lbs and their dad is a poodle who weighs 10 lbs. The puppies were born on 11/2 and will be ready to go on 1/4. They have been vet checked and come with a health guarantee. They have been given their first shots and deworming. Please call Julie at 717-917-0409 for more information or to set up a time to meet the puppies.
These adorable little puppies were born on 9/25 and will be ready to go on 11/27. Their mom is a mini poodle who weighs 19 lbs and their dad is a cavapoo who weighs 16 lbs. They have been vet checked and come with a health guarantee. They were also given their first puppy shots and deworming. Please call or text Julie at 717-917-0409 for more information.
*each pup will come with a collar/leash and a small bag of the food they are eating.
group picture
Bo - updated picture-sold
Timmy- updated picture-sold